Our Story Jane’Alam was born in a slum community in Kolkata but his life was changed through the work of local community projects. Jane’ was the first in both his family and community to go to school, going on to graduate from the University of Manchester with a Masters degree in International Business and Management. Jane’ had experienced first-hand the impact and transformation that can be brought about to an individual’s life by local people working to solve local issues. Most importantly, Jane’ came to have faith in God, and this lasting hope gave his life a totally new outlook and sense of purpose. He was challenged by the contrast between his early life in the slum and the life he lives now, as was Naomi, following her time spent working in Kolkata. Together, Jane’ and Naomi were inspired to do something, and their experiences formed the vision of Pursuit International: an organisation that partners with projects to not only help people living in poverty, but also enable supporters to feel more connected to the people they support. Pursuit International is now a growing, thriving team working to empower people restricted by physical and spiritual poverty to pursue a life of hope and purpose.